Tuesday, May 5, 2020

T-QAD Day 17 @ 5 Mei 2020

Subtopic:       Conditions for the types of quadratic equations


Question 1 : Q1/D17/050520
Find the range of values of k if the graph of the quadratic function f(x)=4x2 - 12x + k + 5 cuts the x-axis at two distinct points

                                                                                    (3 marks)
Question 2 : Q2/D17/050520
Given that the x-axis is the tangent to the curve of the quadratic function f(x) = x2 – 4mx + 2 – 7m, find the possible values of m.
                                                                                    (4 marks)

Answers T-QAD 4 Mei 2020
Check your answer and fill in the form to record your marks.

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