Monday, May 4, 2020

T-QAD Day 16 @ 4 Mei 2020

Subtopic:       Forming Quadratic Equations

Question 1 : Q1/D16/040520
It is given that 3 and (m + 4) are the roots of the quadratic equation  x2 + (n - 1)x + 6 = 0, where m and n are constants. 
Find the value of m and of n.                                                                                      (3 marks)

Question 2 : Q2/D16/040520
The quadratic equation x2 + 4(3x + k) =0, where k is a constant has roots p and 2p, where p≠0.

(a) Find the value of p ans of k.
(b) Hence form the quadratic equation which has the roots (p - 1) and (p + 6). 
                                                                                    (8 marks)

Answers T-QAD 3 Mei 2020
Check your answer and fill in the form to record your marks.

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