Monday, April 13, 2020

T-QAD Day 1 @ 13 April 2020

Question:    Q1/D1/130420

The diagram shows the sector OPQ with centre O.

Find, (use Phi=3.142)
a) Angle POQ, in terms of phi radian.
b) the perimeter, in cm, sector OPQ. 
                                                                    (4 marks)

Question: Q2/D1/130420

Diagram shows the sectors OAB and ODC with center O.

It is given that OA = 4 cm, the ratio of OA : OD = 2:3 and the area of the shaded region is 11.25 cm2
a) the length, in cm, of OD,
b) θ,  in radians
                                                (4 marks)

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