Monday, March 9, 2020

Completing the square

Hi beloved students..  I am updating the blog.

Below are the list of students who manage to attempt the quiz.


For those who  haven't  start yet, I will give u last chance.

Please complete the task given.

Task 1:
Watch the videos.. And copy the example given.
Pause where ever you want.. Make sure you understand.

Video 1

Video 2

Task 2:

Try the drill...

Drill 1

Task 3:
Click the link below. Try to solve as much as you can. Try it first before you look at the solution

The Exercise

Your homework.
Solve all the exercise from the above link.

If you don't have enough time, make sure you copy the question first.

Good luck... All the best

See u soon...

Holiday gift:

Click the link ....  QUIZ#1 finale

Username: use your full name or email eg : Norzairiah

Game code:    935064

Redo the quizizz until you get full marks.

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