Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Rules of differention. - 4F & 4C 14 Mac 2019

Assalamualaikum to my students.....

Today we  will start our lesson with a few videos...

Let us start now. Plan your time wisely.... You only have 1 hour to complete the task...

Task 1 : watch the video.. .. Copy the example given in the video.

               Video1 watch and copy the example...

               Slides 1 :  you may continue with this slide..Click to open the slide and continue to read.                                     Try  to understand as much as you can.

Task 2: try the online quiz. You can solve the quiz with your partner. This is just your exercise.
             Only solve quiz 1 and quiz 2 from the website. Copy all the questions from both quizzes
             except question involving second derivative.


             Record your Score...

              Click SCORE 4C    or    SCORE 4F

              to record your mark.

Task 3: enrichment

Refer from your reference book, choose 6 questions from this subtopic, then complete the exercise inside your notebook..

If you have any comments, you may proceed to comment below. Dont forget to mention ur name..n ur name..


  1. Dont forget to refresh this site..

  2. You may try some exercise from your text book as enrichment


    Click the link to proceed with the quiz..
