Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Rules of differention. - 4F & 4C 14 Mac 2019

Assalamualaikum to my students.....

Today we  will start our lesson with a few videos...

Let us start now. Plan your time wisely.... You only have 1 hour to complete the task...

Task 1 : watch the video.. .. Copy the example given in the video.

               Video1 watch and copy the example...

               Slides 1 :  you may continue with this slide..Click to open the slide and continue to read.                                     Try  to understand as much as you can.

Task 2: try the online quiz. You can solve the quiz with your partner. This is just your exercise.
             Only solve quiz 1 and quiz 2 from the website. Copy all the questions from both quizzes
             except question involving second derivative.


             Record your Score...

              Click SCORE 4C    or    SCORE 4F

              to record your mark.

Task 3: enrichment

Refer from your reference book, choose 6 questions from this subtopic, then complete the exercise inside your notebook..

If you have any comments, you may proceed to comment below. Dont forget to mention ur name..n ur name..

3F - solving quadratic inequalities @ 14 feb 2019

Assalamualaikum to my students.....

Today we  will start our lesson with a few videos...

Let us start now. Plan your time wisely.... You only have 1 hour to complete the task...

Task 1 : watch the video.. There are three videos... Copy the example given in each video.




Task 2: try the quiz. You can solve the quiz with your partner.


Write you name and your Score...

Click SCORE to record your mark.

Task 3: enrichment

Copy the questions inside your notebook. Solve it...make sure you finish it by tomorrow.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Lesson for 4C and 4F - The Derivative from First Principles @ 12 Mac 2019

Assalamualaikum students....

Today we will continue the next lesson. I am sorry, I still not available to meet you today..

Those who still not yet completing the previous lesson, please complete the previous lesson first. Plan your time. Manage your time. Never ever stop till the last second in our period today.

Do not waste your time.

If your PC have a problem with youtube... go and share PC with our friend. We have so much to do. So much to learn. 

Letsssss start..

Task 1 :  As usual , you need to watch the video and copy the examples given.

                             VIDEO 1 

Pause the video and you may repeat till you understand.

task 2 :  Second task, click the exercise below, then you will see some examples. Read and copy the example. At the end of the notes, there will be 6 questions as your exercises.

                           EXERCISE 1

The first three questions, you need to complete with your friends. You can discuss it. Write all the solutions..COMPLETE inside your notebook. 

The last three questions, you need to do it on your own. Write the solution on a piece of a blank paper, then submit to me (inside the box in front of my room) before 10.40am 13 mac 2019.

Task 3 :  BONUS!!! For those who want extra marks..extra points..extra carry marks..

               Answer this question completely. use MSword/Powerpoint  to write your answer. 
               Submit your answer through email..

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Result from online quiz- limits ( Please complete the task!!!)

Hi everybody.. I miss u..

Don't forget to complete the task given . Those who still not yet finish with the previous task, make sure you complete that lesson first. Then continue with today's lesson.

Here are your marks....

Those who still not yet completing the quiz, please do so.

                                                              Class 4C

                                                              Class 4F

Monday, March 11, 2019

Completing the square - for class 3A 10 Mac 2020

Hi beloved students..

Please complete the task given.. Always refresh the web..

I will update from time to time.

Task 1:
Watch the videos.. And copy the example given.
Pause where ever you want.. Make sure you understand.

Video 1

Video 2

Task 2:

Try the drill...  

Drill 1

Task 3:
Click the link below.. Try to solve as much as you can. Try it first before you look at the solution

The Exercise

Your homework..
Solve all the exercise from the above link.

If you dont have enough time, make sure you copy the question first..

Good luck... All the best

See u soon...

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Introduction to Differential Calculus : Limits

Welcome my ever dearest students.

Today we gonna learn new chapter : Differentiation.

Feel free to enjoy the lesson. It might be getting tougher day by day.. so, my advise is.. try to understand the lesson from the beginning. Never ever get tired.

Never ever say enough.

Let us start......

Task 1: What is limits?

             Lesson 1 - Copy as much as you think that are beneficial to you in your notebook.

             Lesson 2 - Wacth the video. You must copy the example from the video.
                               You can repeat and pause anytime you want.

Task 2 : Try this

            Exercise 1  - Copy the exercise given, then try to write your solution.
                                 Check your answer and your solution..

           You want more exercise? Try another one... Good Luck

            Exercise 2

Task 3 :

This is time to test your understanding.....

click here to join..   JOIN QUIZ 

Lets start the quiz... in the count of 3 , 2 , 1 .......

Quiz for Class 4C - 858290

Quiz for Class 4F876882

As usual , please use your full name...

End of the lesson today. Till we meet again.