Sunday, February 24, 2019

Polynomial : Factor Theorem & Remainder Theorem

Assalamualaikum my Dearest student.

As of today you gonna learn this subtopic through online learning.
Hopefully, you will find today's lesson much interesting than before.

Get ready to learn!!!

Task 1: (11.10am-11.30am)

Click on the video link below.

Factor and Remainder Theorem

Watch the video from the start until 10:35minutes. While watching..
Pause the video and copy the example given together with the solution.
try to understand as much as you can.

Task 3: (11.30am - 11.45am)

Test your understanding.

Click the link. QUIZIZZ.

Then key-in the code    491850
Make sure you use your full name: Norzairiah

Task 2: (11.45am - 12.10pm)

Take the handout in front of the class, try to answer with your partner. (Only 3 or 4  members in each group).

write your answer on the padlet.

If you have finished it earlier, you may proceed to the next Revision quiz. If you don't, you may try the question below before 26 feb 2019 10.00am.

All students are required to take the online quiz. You may use the available PCs around the college. You may also use your smartphone. Simply install quizizz apps, then DO IT...

1.   Long Division    833972

2.  Cubic  and Quartic Polynomial  042725

Good Luck..... 😍😍

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